A Greek goddess (me), 3-hole punch Jim (Rachel), and a frog princess (Katherine) at Western Road's Halloween party.
Our Halloween turn out at Faulkner was rather pitiful. Only two groups of kids came knocking at our door. AND they didn't even say "trick-or-treat!" Just asked if there were any rules. We told them to go for it since Brie had bought 7 pounds worth of candy at Sainsbury's specifically for this reason. We also snuck in our left over Turkish Delights. What luck - they were the first things to go! We do have a large bowl of candy left though; I'm not counting on any of it being left over when I get back from Switzerland (11/2 - 11/7).
P.S. I made my crown out of Ivy and Hawthorn berries I clipped from trees near Sainsbury's! Katherine went with me on my snipping expedition so I wouldn't feel so creepy.
1 comment:
Hello, Emily!
I don't think we have ever met, but I was skimming your blog on the Jewell site (I am a Senior Oxbridge music major) and I decided to stop reading when I scrolled down to the group picture with Francis and Penelope at Blenheim (it made me too homesick!). Nevertheless, I scrolled down until I saw the 'studius' picture. I realized your surroundings looked familiar--I think you have my old room! I hope you have a lovely time in Oxford (the magical city). Please give a 'Hello' to Ms. Rachel Cash for me :) I wish everyone good luck with your tutorials!
P.S. If you indeed DO live in my old room, I feel very sorry because the bed is super uncomfortable (unless you got a new one?). Also, the creepy drunks who like to hang out near our dear old Faulkner Street usually don't become too bothersome, but if they ever cause trouble and sit on your recycling bins, the mounted police are more than happy to kick them out of the cul-de-sac if you call them (why yes I do know this from experience!). Otherwise, you have the prettiest house (in my biased opinion)!
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