I've been rather disappointed with the thrift stores, or charity shops as they are called in the UK, in Oxford. Most have a limited amount of clothing and the rest of the goods are more trinketish. I'd given up hope of good deals and fun finds while in England...until I went to Bristol
Bristol has a funky vibe not found in Oxford. The closest comparison is Cowley Rd., but even its bohemian nature can't compete with the eclectic mix of shops on Broadmead and Park Street. This could be due to Oxford's large population of affluent students who don't seem to be interested in second-hand.
But Bristol was a treasure trove of charity shops and bargain boutiques. I found the purse pictured above in a British Heart Association shop for 1 pound! Make sure to check out Blaze, a ceramics co-op that has reasonably priced, hand crafted ceramic pins, tiles, cups, etc. and Shop (on Christmas Steps), a little boutique with vintage clothing, accessories and music.
yeah, this has nothing to do with the above blog entry.
However, I just wanted to know...because you talked of your expectations when going to William Jewell not being meant at first...so......is it not a good university? I've been looking into it, but I don't want to go anywhere where I won't be satisfied.
It is a great University! The point I was trying to make with that post was that my expectations were more often then not un realistic and unreasonable and even if, in this case, Jewell didn't meet them at first, my expectations were in general at fault not the institution. I would love to answer any specific questions you may have (as unbiased and truthfully as I can!). Please shoot me an email : hydere@william.jewell.edu. I think alot of being satisfied with a school has to do with what you want out of it, so let me know what you are looking for and hopefully I can tell you if Jewell might fit!
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